Emu Oil FAQ’s

Walkabout Emu Oil is rich in natural occurring vitamin K2 MK-4, the most potent form of K2—up to 10 times the amount found in butter oil or ghee. Emu Oil is a traditional sacred food of the indigenous Australians; a food they relied upon for vibrant health.


Walkabout Emu Oil is an unsurpassed and synergistic combination of nutrients formulated and balanced by Mother Nature and readily used by the body. It is 100% pure and unadulterated—nothing is added to the oil and nothing is taken out.


At Walkabout Health Products, our passion is to educate people about our Emu Oil and its many benefits. Our mission is to help people achieve optimal health and a better quality of life through diet.


In 2009, we began researching Emu Oil. We learned about its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, we found that the oil sourced in the U.S. is highly processed and refined.


We were fortunate to find the wonderful emu farmers in Australia with whom we work today and from whom our products are sourced. They produce superior Emu Oil. It is proven to be unadulterated, effective, and nutrient-dense with high biological activity.


Emu oil has been the single best nutritional supplement that I have used in my practice for reducing systemic and local inflammation. It has solved many nutritional deficiencies without overwhelming the patient with multiple supplements.

What is an Emu?

The Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) is a large, flightless bird native to Australia. It dates back 60-100 million years.

Are there historical records of the traditional use of Emu Oil?

The Aboriginal Australians are the oldest living culture on earth and can trace their lineage back more than 40,000 years. For them, Emu Oil is considered a Traditional Sacred Food, thus named because they were the essential foods needed for their optimal health and development.


Long before Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food,” traditional cultures were, out of necessity, doing just that to maintain vibrant health.


These special foods had concentrations of nutrients far beyond those found in foods available to most of us today.


The Aboriginal people pass down knowledge by word of mouth, so it wasn’t until 1860 that Emu Oil’s traditional use was first recorded by G. Bennett in his “Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia.”


He reported that Aboriginals and early white settlers used Emu Oil to heal wounds, reduce pain and relieve various joint and muscular disorders.


The Emu was so revered by the native Australians that it is part of their mythology, their Dreamtime.


In the 1930’s, Dr. Weston Price, a pioneer in nutrition, traveled the world analyzing diets of primitive people. His findings are so important that his book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” is still being published.


He was in awe of the incredible moral, spiritual and physical health of the indigenous Australians. They were free of chronic disease—strong and attractive people with broad faces and they produced healthy children generation after generation.


Interestingly, once these same people started eating a Westernized diet: refined grains, denatured foods and refined sugar, they experienced tooth decay, narrowing of the face, degenerative disease and infertility.


Dr. Price found that primitive diets were consistently rich in micronutrients: vitamins, activators (activates nutritional profiles of other nutrients), and minerals. Westernized diets are lacking in those nutrients.


He found that primitive people consumed a diet containing “at least ten times the fat-soluble activators—vitamins found only in animal fat—compared to the typical American diet of his day.”


Price considered these fat-soluble vitamins to be the key components to healthy diets.

The Aboriginals favorite foods were fat from the “intestines of marsupials and emus.”

Man has not biologically changed in 40,000 years. We still need the nutrient dense foods of our ancestors.

Why is Emu Oil considered a Life Sustaining Fat?

Emu Oil is the fat of the bird. This fat sustains the life of the Emu over long periods of time.

The male sits on his eggs for 54 days, he never gets up to eat or drink, all his nutritional requirements comes from his fat—direct absorption—no waste. Then, for the next three months he raises the chicks.


Hibernating animals such as bears, hedgehogs, snakes, and penguins also accumulate this type of nutrient dense fat, seasonably built up and depleted.


The Emu is the only known warm-blooded animal able to provide this type of life-sustaining fat on a commercial basis. It is a nutrient dense superfood!

Why is Walkabout Australian Emu Oil the Highest Quality Emu Oil in the world?

Three things that make our product superior:

  1. Genotype of the birds
  2. Feed and husbandry
  3. Traditional refining methods

Research into the benefits of Emu Oil began in the 1980’s in Australia. High biological activity was found in the oil from birds living in the wild.  This research triggered interest in emu farmers to replicate that biological activity in farm raised birds. It is from these conscientious farmers that we source our oil.


From the 1980’s to present day, our emu farmers have been doing their own research through universities, hospitals, and on their farms. This research has demonstrated that the genotype of the bird is paramount in producing the highest quality oil.


While our farmers were studying the Emu, others were breeding for “big birds,” trying to increase the amount of meat and oil per bird. By breeding different genotypes, the result was an inconsistent quality of oil.


If you bred a Thoroughbred to a Shetland pony would you still expect to win the Kentucky Derby? That is of course a joke, but you get the meaning. You may still get a horse out of the breeding but it will have lost the characteristic of incredible speed.


Our birds are genetically selected and separated on the farms—no crossbreeding! All emus in the rest of the world come from inferior zoo stock. Australia banned exportation of emus in the 1960s. No one outside of Australia has access to these base genotypes.


For ten years, our farmers made trips into “emu country” to learn to emulate the birds natural feed. They studied emus in their natural environment, analyzed their droppings and their dietary habits. They found that correct feed significantly increased the biological activity of the oil. Our farmers’ emus are fed in accordance with this important research. The birds are farmed on virgin soils in Australia and roam in large pastures. No GMO feed, vaccinations, antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides or chemicals of any kind are allowed on the farms.


The years of research would have counted for little without the correct refining method.  Katta, an Aboriginal Elder, shared with our farmers the traditional method for refining the oil. Combining this tradition, with science, has been the guide to preserving our Emu Oil’s natural characteristics. It leaves the oil unadulterated, the way nature intended.


When techniques such as stripping agents, deodorizers, bleaches, high temperatures, molecular distillation and winterizing are used it results in loss of efficacy and destroys its natural synergy. In other words, the Emu Oil becomes a nutrient desert.


At Walkabout Health Products we take a holistic approach to our Emu Oil and treat it as a highest quality food supplement. Walkabout sets the bar, no one else even compares.

Why do you leave your Emu Oil unadulterated?

We believe that nature is stronger than any human design.


The ingredients within foods work synergistically; they work as teams to feed cells. Isolated and synthetic vitamins contain only a fraction of the vitamin complexes and lack the cofactors and micronutrients found in nature.esearch shows that this synergy makes the natural nutrients up to 100 times more potent than taking individual synthetic nutrients.


Whole food and whole food supplements provide all these synergists, cofactors, vitamin complexes and energy that normally occur in food and make them work at their optimal. This cannot be duplicated in a laboratory.


At Walkabout Health Products great care has been taken to preserve all of the life supporting nutrients and life supporting components of this powerful synergy. Our Emu Oil is assembled and balanced by nature, and is 100% pure. We do not add anything to the oil, nor do we take anything out.


Our oil is a warm-blooded source of: Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9, vitamins A, D3, E, Rich in vitamin K2 MK-4, AA, ATP and CLA.

Who can benefit form adding our Emu Oil to their daily health routine?

The traditional Aboriginals knew that during certain times in their lives, when more demands or stresses were made on their bodies, they would increase the amount of their Emu Oil consumption, such as pre-conception (both parents), pregnancy, lactation, during rapid growth periods, and as they aged.


We believe our Emu Oil should be part of everyone’s daily nutrition. The vital nutrients in our oil are difficult to find in our modern diets.

What are the characteristics of Walkabout Australian Emu Oil?

  • Nutrient powerhouse for the whole family
  • 100% pure and unadulterated
  • Life sustaining fat
  • Highly anti-inflammatory
  • Unique synergy of nutrients
  • Highest food source of naturally occurring Vitamin K2 MK-4
  • Activates nutritional profile of other nutrients
  • Naturally occurring source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Warm-blooded source of omega 3, 6, 7 and 9
  • Contains vitamins A, D and E
  • High biological activity
  • Ancient traditional use
  • Select Australian Emu genetics
  • Available in convenient soft gel caps or liquid form
  • Gentle on the stomach, no burping or aftertaste
  • Registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia
  • Assembled and balanced by nature—nothing added to or taken out of our oils
  • Used by health care professionals

What are the topical benefits of using Walkabout's Emu Oil?

We believe that if you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t put it on your skin.


Our oil is good for all skin types: sensitive, babies, aging, and irritated skin.

  • 100% Pure and Natural
  • Highly moisturizing
  • Natural collagen content
  • Non-comedogenic (does not clog pores)
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Bacteriostatic
  • Does not irritate skin
  • Safe for human use-registered with TGA in Australia
  • Promotes skin regeneration
  • Promotes skin health
  • Transdermal (penetrates through skin)
  • Transdermal carrier
  • Used by health care professionals


Feels GREAT on your skin! Gives your skin a healthy glow!

Is Walkabout Australian Emu Oil safe?

Walkabout Emu oil meets all international food safety standards. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification.


Our Emu Oil undergoes strict testing set by the Australian government and is registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia. TGA is Australia’s regulator of therapeutic goods. They have the most stringent guidelines for natural products in the world.

Are there any known allergies?

We are unaware of any known allergy. If you have a sensitivity to poultry or fats you should check with your health care professional.

When is the best time to take Emu Oil? Dosage?

Emu Oil should be taken ideally during or directly after a meal. Taking them early in the day will help activate nutritional profiles of other nutrients. It is important to take them on a regular basis and for best results, on a permanent basis.




Individual requirements for nutrition vary greatly. Dosage depends on many things: present health, stress levels, and the quality of the foods you eat.


For adults whose needs are average 3 capsules/day should be considered


For adults with a high level of needs 6 capsules/day should be considered


For children whose needs are average 1 capsule/day should be considered


For children whose needs are greater 2 or more capsules/day should be considered


Liquid supplement–Approximately ¼ tsp. of oil is equal to 1 capsule

How do I store the oil?

Two things to stay away from: direct sunlight and oxygen.


Do not store in direct sunlight. Instead, store the Emu Oil in the cupboard or on the countertop is good, as long as it is out of direct sunlight. Store below 78 degrees.


Always store with the lids firmly closed on all bottles. On the 2oz topical bottle keep the flip top closed when not in use.

What is the shelf life?

Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration required a rancidity test before registration of our Emu Oil. The shelf life of the oil is three years; it is a very stable oil.

Can Emu Oil be refrigerated?

Emu oil is liquid at room temperature and becomes solid as it becomes cold. At room temperature emu oil will have a clear liquid at the top of the bottle and an opaque liquid at the bottom.  In order for you to get the maximum benefits of the oil, all parts must be mixed or shaken. We prefer you shake the bottle –less contamination.


You can refrigerate the oil, but it is not necessary. The shelf life is not prolonged by refrigeration.


Will it harm the oil to be refrigerated? No. But again, all parts of the oil must be present for maximum benefits. In the refrigerator the oil will separate as it becomes solid. It must then be brought back to room temps so it can be properly stirred or shaken.


See our blog “Shake your Emu” for further information.

How long does it take to ship your order? How do you ship the product to me?

We want to get your order to you as quickly as possible. We ship Monday through Friday, except holidays, and try to have all orders shipped within 48 hours.


We use the United States Postal Service Ground Advantage or Priority Mail for domestics orders, depending on the size of the order. This will get your Emu Oil to you typically within 2 – 5 business days. We cannot guarantee this because we have no control over the postal service.

Do you ship Internationally?

Yes, Walkabout ships our Emu Oil globally. However, International customers outside the United States must either email their order to: info@walkabouthealth.com, or call us at: 715-305-2526. Walkabout can not guarantee international orders. Due to covid requirements, and government restrictions and import policies, it is possible that your package may not be delivered. Your package will be fully insured for loss or damage, however, claims will not be paid for packages that are undelivered, confiscated by customs, or returned to Walkabout for any number of reasons. If the insurance company does not pay a claim for loss or damage to a shipment, Walkabout will not reimburse/refund international orders. All international sales are final. It is the customer’s responsibility to be familiar with all import policies, which may include: VAT, customs fees, import fees, and/or any other fees required for import. To legally get the shipment out of the country, US Fish and Wildlife Service must first inspect and clear the shipment.

What are the capsules make from?

Capsules are gelatin and glycerol. The gelatin is bovine (cow) sourced from Australia. In Australia, 97-98% of cattle are grass fed, and 70% of those cattle are grass finished. Interesting fact: 70-75% of grass fed meat in the US comes from Australia.

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